November 19, 2024


Mandatory NAR bylaws changes


HRRA bylaws allow for automatic bylaws amendments when they are mandated by NAR, “When Bylaws amendments are mandated by NAR policy, these Bylaws may be automatically amended to reflect the mandate as of the effective date of the mandatory policy authorized by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. The association shall provide notice of that change in a regular or special membership communication. (Adopted 1/05).” Click here to read the changes.


Stay compliant. All members must complete Triennial Code of Ethics training once between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2024. HRRA is offering several in-house Code of Ethics CE courses through November. Check our Events Calendar to sign up. HRRA is also offering offsite Code of Ethics training for offices needing to enroll 20+ members. Please click here to fill out a request form.

If you would like to complete the Code of Ethics training online for free, you may do so through NAR. Please note that the online course does not count for CE credit. 


Keep your clients informed. NAR has released its latest Consumer Guide, which covers how buyers can finance the purchase of a home, highlighting common types of mortgages, information about down payments, and the difference between federal and private loans. Click here to download. Available in English and Spanish.


Upcoming Education


Elevate your skills. Take the Accredited Buyer Representative course for FREE from now through 12/31! This is an incredible opportunity to sharpen your knowledge, especially amid industry changes following the recent NAR settlement. Click here to take advantage today.


In Every eREALTOR® Issue

Share this eye-opening data with your clients. As home prices continue to climb across much of Virginia, price trends are certainly top of mind for both buyers and sellers. Share VAR's latest infographic identifying where prices are the highest and lowest in our state. You can even customize it with your business info!


Up your commercial real estate game. Learn to perform various analyses that will help you forecast future demand and opportunities for investment. Sign up here.


Upcoming Events


INVEST IN RPAC! NAR advocacy scored big in the 2024 election, with 98% of RPAC-endorsed congressional candidates being elected to serve. Tap here to learn more.

Stay updated. This month, Congress introduced the Renewing Opportunity in the American Dream (ROAD) to Housing Act. NAR President Kevin Sears issued a statement in support of the new piece of legislation stating that it can "serve as a marker for discussions on how Congress can help bring families closer to achieving homeownership and building intergenerational wealth."

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